Service allows organizations to review its resident workers data and complete their transactions online, anytime and anywhere. تتيح خدمة «مقيم» للمنشآت الاطلاع على بيانات موظفيها المقيمين وإتمام معاملات الجوازات الخاصة بهم إلكترونياً وبشكل فوري في أي وقت ومن أي مكان، دون
2017210;Here are the Steps to Check FingerPrint (Basmah) enrollment Status: 1.Open the Official website of Ministry of Interior and clikc on “Electronic Inquiries” >> Select “Passports” from the left side of the menu and click on “Public Query FingerPrint Enrollment”. You can also go this link to open “ Public Query Fingerprint Enrollment
729;Please follow the steps to know Iqama Nitaqat Status of your Company or Kafeel is in Red, Green, Yellow, Blue. Step 1 – Open Official website of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Labor website ( Step 2 – Input Iqama number in the second option provided. Step 3 – Enter the Captcha code shown in the Image and submit the details.
Sheltering the overstayer after performing his Hajj or Umrah, harbouring him or assisting him to stay illegally in the country. • If the violator is an expatriate resident, his fines are …
خدمة تجديد إقامة الأفراد Renew Residency - Individual © Ministry of Interior - State of Kuwait
Visa It can be important to keep track of your Iqama (residence permit) expiry date for various reasons, such as international travel or banking transactions.Here are four methods you can use to verify the validity of your Iqama:1. Absher Dashboard - Digital Documents 2. Absher Dashboard - More Details 3. Absher Other Services - Query Iqama Expiry service 4.
To activate your account in MOI portal through Banque Saudi Fransi, please follow these steps: * Login to “FransiPlus” account. * From the main menu choose SADAD/ MOI service, and then click on (Absher Activation) icon. * Your personal information will be displayed: your ID/ Iqama number and your mobile number registered in the system.
MOI Support. Sorry for inconvenience, Something went wrong in your request, please provide us with the used service information by sending the support ID 8243892720426646236 to the help desk email address: [email protected]. نأسف للإزعاج، حدث خطأ ما في طلبك، نرجو تزويدنا بمعلومات الخدمة
616;To check iqama number by using the border number, do the following procedure; Visit the MOL Portal. Checkmark the “Consent” and click on “ أقر وأتعهد “- the Green button to proceed (see the image below) Enter the Border number. Enter the Date of Birth. Type a 6-digit verification code and click on Next. If the new iqama has
مستبعد = Excluded. Iqama Status Red/Green You can check the Nitaqat Status of your company or the Iqama color Red, Green, Yellow of your Kafeel through the Ministry of Labor website …
Login to MOI E-services - Absher. The MOI Portal provides every user with a special account to enable him [User] to benefit from the e-Services provided by the sectors of the Ministry of Interior by log in through a USER ID and PASSWORD.
MOI Support. Sorry for inconvenience, Something went wrong in your request, please provide us with the used service information by sending the support ID 6593581166611779423 to the help desk email address: [email protected]. نأسف للإزعاج، حدث خطأ ما في طلبك، نرجو تزويدنا بمعلومات الخدمة
"الجوازات" تطلق خدمة الاستفسار عن حالة تصريح السفر للعسكريين عبر منصة "أبشر" لوزارة الداخلية "أبشر" من خلال الدخول للموقع الرسمي والاستفادة من جميع الخدمات الإلكترونية المقدمة
616;To check iqama number by using the border number, do the following procedure; Visit the MOL Portal. Checkmark the “Consent” and click on “ أقر وأتعهد “- the Green button to proceed (see the image below) Enter the Border number. Enter the Date of Birth. Type a 6-digit verification code and click on Next. If the new iqama has
312;Click (e-services) then select (sponsored services). Choose (Renewing Iqama) from the list. Read the service instructions and then click (Next). Select the worker who you want to renew his/her residency permit. Select the period, confirm the accuracy of the entered information, and then click (renew Iqama). The Residency Identity Card will …
The service enables the citizens and residents to enquire about the iqama expiry information. To enable to communicate online with the emirates of regions and sectors …
2024330;Step-by-Step Guide to the Iqama Renewal Process. To renew your Iqama, ensure you: Pay the MOI Iqama fee. Clear any work permit fees. Settle outstanding traffic fines. Have a valid health insurance policy. Pay the dependent fee (if applicable). Once done, your employer can renew your Iqama through the Absher or Muqeem online portals.
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لوزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية المملكة العربية السعودية 2020. يتيح للمستخدم سهولة الاستفادة من خدمات الوزارة المتوفرة في الموقع.
20161119;Check Huroob Status on Iqama Online on &; Lebara Internet Packages in Saudi Arabia (KSA) 2024; Trending Now. 2.1k Views. in Saudi Arabia News. New Rules & Regulations for Hiring Domestic Workers in KSA. December 15, , 6:09 pm. Read More 1.3k Views. in Visa.
925;Select “ نقل خدمة عامل وافد” from the drop-down menu, on “الاستعلام عن خدمات مكتب العمل” page. Now enter the Iqama number and the code. Click on “ بحث ” – green button. The MOL system will search for the transfer and show one of …
The inspection campaigns carried out by the Ministry of Interior throughout the Kingdom between April 25 and May 1. More . HRH the Crown Prince Chairs Cabinet Session 30 April 2024 His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi. More
912;The Iqama, also known as the Muqeem, is a residence permit granted to expatriates arriving in Saudi Arabia on a work visa or a dependent visa. Iqama is required to open a new bank account in Saudi Arabia and to send money abroad. In Saudi Arabia, a valid iqama is also required to obtain a SIM card.
128;1) To check your Huroob status on your Iqama, You’ll have to login to official website of Ministry of Labor ( and Enter your Valid Iqama number in the second Text Box provided. 2) Then Enter the Captcha code provided in the image in the 4th Text box. 3) After Entering all the details, submit it.
Service allows organizations to review its resident workers data and complete their transactions online, anytime and anywhere. تتيح خدمة «مقيم» للمنشآت الاطلاع على بيانات موظفيها المقيمين وإتمام معاملات الجوازات الخاصة بهم إلكترونياً وبشكل فوري في أي وقت ومن أي مكان، دون
1110;Look for “Query Iqama Expiry Service” and click it. Enter your Iqama Number. Type the picture code. Absher will show you when your Iqama expires. How to Check Expiry Date for Family and Helpers. Your family’s Iqama usually expires when yours does. But for people like your housemaid, it might be different. To check: